
Links to other sites: a treasure trove of text and images around the subject.

Here are many sites where you can view Artists' Books for inspiration. Below is a list to other Book Arts websites which we will add to over time and will highlight sites of particular interest.

We would like to thank Sarah Bodman for this list. She is a Research Fellow for Artists' Books at the CFPR, University of the West of England, Bristol, UK, where she runs research projects investigating artists’ books.

www.alteredbookartists.com International Society of Altered Book Artists.
www.ambeck.mdd.dk artists’ books and works by Mette-Sofie D. Ambeck
www.andreweason.com artists’ books by Andrew Eason with useful links to other book arts sites.
www.angelalorenzartistsbooks.com a great site with info on Angela Lorenz's work and links and info on artists' books
www.antonwuerth.de artists' books and works by Anton Würth
www.arnolfini.org.uk/about/bookshop.php Arnolfini gallery bookshop, Bristol for regular artists' books displays in the shop.
www.artistsbooks.com Johan Deumen’s site for sales of artists’ books with useful links and reference books.
www.artichokeyinkpress.com founded 1993 by Christopher Wilde. AYP publishes handmade single-object and collaborative limited edition books made with artists and writers, specialising in collage and multi-matrix printing. .
www.artic.edu/saic/art/flasch/index.html The Joan Flasch Artist’s Book Collection resource at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago.
www.artmetropole.com artist’s book & media centre in Toronto, site has a selection of multiples, book works, artists’ books & reference material, links.
www.artspacemackay.com.au/artists_books Australian centre with exhibitions, collection, reading room and forum, plus useful links.
www.aspectable.com artists’ books by Conor Lucey.
www.avenuepress.co.uk Limited edition books influenced by the countryside and the sea around the South West.
www.barbarawien.de Berlin-based artists' books gallery and bookshop.
www.bertramrota.co.uk London bookshop (Covent Garden), established in 1923, specialising in fine press printing, artists’ books and modern first editions.
www.bl.uk/collections Fine Presses, Artists' Books, and Book Arts information at the British Library.
www.boekiewoekie.com online catalogue of artists’ books from the artist run gallery and bookstore Boekie Woekie, Amsterdam.
www.bookart.co.uk Paul Johnson’s Book Art Project website promoting the book arts in education.
www.bookart.info artists’ books by Gerhard Multerer.
www.bookartbookshop.com The brilliant, London-based bookartbookshop, the place to buy and sell artists’ books. bookartbookshop also presents discussions, meetings, exhibitions, a poster wall, lectures, book launches, and educational activities.
www.bookarts.ua.edu for useful bookarts web resource links.
www.booklyn.org The fabulous Booklyn Artists' Alliance, featuring artists’ books, exhibitions, artists and educational programmes.
www.bookstorming.com Paris based artists’ books for sale by many international artists.
www.bookville.co.uk artists' books, projects and events
www.bookworks.org.uk Book Works website, lots of useful information on current and past artists’ publications, forthcoming projects and mail order.
www.brokenrules.co.uk artists' books by Ken Campbell
www.buchkunst.info/ Reinhard Gruener's excellent artists' book collection site.
www.buechermarkt.net Walther Koenig book dealer and artist’s book publisher.

www.caferoyal.org artists’ zines, books and illustrations and more…
www.cbbag.ca Canadian Bookbinders and Book Artists Guild
http://www.bway.net/~fly/ zines, books, illustrations and artworks by FLY.
www.cca-kitakyushu.org Japanese international gallery / book art research publishing.
www.centerforbookarts.org New York Center for Book Arts, exhibitions and courses.
www.circlepress.com formed in 1967, since that time, Circle Press has produced artist's editions of both classic and contemporary texts, posters and books
www.clarellen.com digital photography, artists’ books and publications by Douglas Holleley, author of Digital Book Design and Publishing
www.codexfoundation.org The Codex Foundation, organisers of the bi-annual CODEX Symposium & Book Fairs, California, USA
www.colinsackett.co.uk Colin Sackett’s website with bibliography, new works, writings and readings including rereader
www.colophon.com Fine Press books, plus links to a number of related websites and info.
www.colophon.com/umbrella/newlit_artbooks.html essay on the work of Dieter Roth and other influential book artists by Umbrella editor Judith Hoffberg.
www.coracle.ie Coracle is a small publishing press directed by artist and writer Erica Van Horn and poet, artist and editor Simon Cutts.
www.couchprojects.com artists books, videos and projects by Angie Waller, USA
www.craftycards.net/projects/index.htm Karen Schwitzer's Ker-bloom! Zine is nearly ten years old, each issue always letterpress-printed.

artists’ books and editions by Jackie Batey. An excellent website with working visuals and information on each book.
www.davidfaithfull.co.uk artists’ books, multiples and editions
www.diabooks.org DIA Center’s New York bookstore including artists’ books.
www.digital.library.upenn.edu/books/ online books.

Engage journal issue 12 on the book as an art form and related questions.

a company created to promote Book Arts in the UK.
www.florenceloewy.com artists’ books archive and bookstore.
www.forumbookart.com Heinz Stefan Bartkowiak’s Forum Book Art website:artists’ images, mail order, recommendations, links & events, est. 1988.
www.fpba.com Fine Press Book Association membership details and information, plus some useful links.
/ www.mnftiu.cc Books and related items by David Rees - Get Your War On; My New Filing Technique is Unstoppable, & My New Fighting Technique is Unstoppable.
www.grahamegalleries.com. Centre for The Artist’s Book, Brisbane, Australia with details of exhibitions and their artist’s book fairs.
www.granarybooks.com/catalog.html full catalogue of their artists' publications.

Chemical Poetries and Code Books by Matt Lumby.
www.hayvend.com archive and full details of the Hayvend project.

Ian Chamberlain's website showing examples of artists' books along with the print and drawing practices utilised within them.
www.indeprintent.com/index.htm artists’ books by Ral Veroni.
www.indulgencepress.com established by Wilber Schilling (aka Chip) in 1993, Indulgence Press publishes contemporary authors and poets, often collaborating with artists in the production of books and broadsides.

www.johndilnot.com John Dilnot’s artists’ books, prints and multiples

artists' books and installation works by Karen Hanmer
www.karenmagazine.com KAREN is more interested in the weather than what to wear, sell by dates than celebrity. A glossy magazine without the gloss.
www.katranpress.com Katran Press fine press editions in Massachusetts, USA
www.kbluem.com artists' books and photography by Kristen Merola, USA
www.keithsmithbooks.com Keith Smith’s Books, all titles, information and mail order.
www.kuenstlerbuecher.de/ list of international book fairs and artist’s book fairs.

www.labookarts.com Los Angeles Book Arts Center website, information, exhibitions, reference publications and links page for exhibition opportunities.
www.laurarussell.net (USA) artists books by Laura Russell. Vintage neon signs, brick walls, ghost signs, and graffiti tell a story about the urban landscape that we look at every day but never really see.
www.lib.uiowa.edu/spec-coll/Bai/clay.htm includes an essay: A Few Words About Artists' Books by Steven Clay, Granary Books, New York
www.library.cmu.edu/Research/Arts/Art/artistsbooks.html artists' books at Carnegie Mellon, with useful references, links etc.
www.library.yale.edu Yale University library’s collection of artists’ books.
www.library.unisa.edu.au/resources/subject/artistsbks.asp a good resource of links and information on book arts
www.lili.org/icb Idaho Center for the Book, plus related publications.
www.liverandlights.co.uk John Bently’s Liver & Lights Scriptorium.

www.mermaidturbulence.com Founded in 1993 to publish contemporary works by artists and writers.
www.mobilivre.org Mobilivre-Bookmobile project is an annual touring exhibition of artist books/zines/independent publications. By way of a vintage Airstream, the Bookmobile visits venues in Canada and the US exposing thousands to a unique collection of independently produced book works.
www.mnbookarts.org Minnesota Center for Book Arts in Minneapolis with an amazing programme of events, workshops and exhibitions.
www.mpawson.demon.co.uk Mark Pawson’s website of multiples, disinfotainment, artists’ books and lots more.

www.ncfab.org est. 2005, the Nordic Centre For Artists' Books (NCFAB) facilitates production, commissioning & exhibits of artists' books within Nordic countries.
www.noosaregionalgallery.org Australian centre with an annual artist’s book programme of events and exhibitions.

www.onestarpress.com Paris based website of artists’ books and artists’ multiples.
www.offcuteditions.co.uk an imprint concentrating on linocut image based books
www.ottobooks.co.uk artists’ books by Otto.
www.outofbinding.com The Crossed Structure Binding and other subjects related to books by Carmencho Arregui

www.permanentbookshop.com Gallery/bookshop in Brighton, UK for artist-made books, zines, art periodicals, events etc.
www.philobiblon.com site for artists’ books information, plus links to numerous book arts websites.
www.popularkinetics.com Carol Barton’s kinetic book works and pop-ups with useful information, links and mail order.
www.preachersbiscuitbooks.com artists' publications from an independent publisher.
www.printedmatter.org the major artist’s bookstore in New York has an online selection of artists’ books, multiples and reference books.
www.professionelibro.it Italian Association organising courses and international workshops in basic and experimental bookbinding, book & paper repair, book arts, boxes, paper decoration.

www.rcom.ru/artists-books/books.html artists' books and related projects by the Russian artist Mikhail Karasik
www.redfoxpress.com Francis van Maele’s Redfoxpress, collaborative & individual artists’ books, mail art, prints. Information on his collection of books, artists worked with etc.
http://redtrilliumpress.com Steve Daiber’s artists’ books and collaborative projects in Cuba.

www.safetygearforsmallanimals.com artists' books and project by Bill Burns, Canada.
www.sararanchouse.com Sara Ranchouse Publishing: artists’ books, printed multiples and art-at-large.
www.sfcb.org the San Francisco Center for the Book, book arts information and exhibitions.
www.sharonkivland.com Website of the artist, writer, and curator, with information about recent and ongoing projects.
www.silverwattlepress.com Silverwattle Press - papermaking, printmaking and artists' books by Tim Mosely and associated Codex Events
www.smabs.co.uk Stuart Mugridge’s artists’ books and useful links.
www.societyofbookbinders.com for society information, events, membership and links.
www.specialcollections.mmu.ac.uk for the link to the artist's book collection at Manchester Metropolitan University.
www.spygirlfriday.com/page1/page9/page9.html Spy Emerson's wonderful Underground Public Library
www.stevemcpherson.co.uk artists' books, journals and works by Steve McPherson

www.tate.org.uk/research/researchservices/researchcentre/default.htm Tate Britain's new online catalogue of artists' books
www.theartistsbook.org A fantastic website by David Paton in Johannesburg; to gather research done on South African Artists' Books in the last decade or so
www.thebenedict.net artists’ books and site-specific works by Benedict Phillips.
www.thebookproject.org Cally Barker’s The Book Project
www.thecooker.com Jake Tilson and Atlas publications.
www.tnwk.net details of TNWK’s projects and bookworks.

www.uartsmfaba.com/ The MFA Book Arts/Printmaking Program at The University of the Arts offers advanced study in studio arts, focusing on the book as a vehicle of artistic expression and printmaking in the context of the narrative.
http://umbrellaeditions.com/index.php Judith Hoffberg's Umbrella journal, now online

www.vam.ac.uk/collections/prints_books/artists_books/index.html The National Art Library at the V&A Museum’s online facility for artists’ books, with information on the collection, a visual database and interviews with book artists.
www.vampandtramp.com booksellers dealing in fine press, miniature and artists’ books.
www.vsw.org details of Visual Studies Workshop, USA programmes, residencies and artists’ books.

www.weproductions.com Weproduction’s own website with details of their artists’ books and useful links.
www.wotadot.com artists' books and projects by Ana Vicente and Ivan Richards
www.wsworkshop.org Women’s Studio Workshop information and online artists’ books archive.

www.xn--bongot-0ya.com artists’ books and graphic works by Bongoût (Meeloo Gfeller and Anna Hellsgård).

www.zeth.no Artists' Books and Performance by Kurt Johannessen, Norway
www.zyarts.com/zybooks UK based exhibition and information website, featuring various artists making books, artist’s book gallery, news, events & links.

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